Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Urban Blogger

I've been putting off updating this blog since I am now back to my 'normal' life and it means that my days of traveling have come to an end. Somehow daily or even weekly updates about the goings-on in my life seem rather mundane.
However, one adventure only leads to another - so perhaps it is not the 'end' but only a new beginning.
This summer I'm going to be spending over 70 days riding my bike across Canada as a fundraising venture for the Canadian Lung Association. It's going to be awesome. I've always wanted to see the country and I love riding my bike - plus it's an amazing opportunity to raise money for a great cause while inspiring others to get out and be active.
To follow updates on the trip check out:

Most of my energy right now is going into making the trip a reality. With all the debts I incured traveling in SE Asia, plus all the equipment and costs of the cycling trip - I've been trying desperately to make what I can in the 3 month gap I've had in between. Also trying to organize fundraisers, find all the proper touring/camping equipment and TRAIN have been huge time consumers!
But now with just over a month to go, I feel alright. Still some work to be done, but I'm really excited about the crew I'm going with and I think it will all be stellar in the end.

I've actually really been enjoying my time back - it's been great to see family and friends and enjoy the BC spring!


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