Thursday, November 03, 2005

Some pics in and around my place

So here is my place! Finally you can see where I'm living!
This first pic is a view from my balcony down the street. The leaves on my street seem to be way ahead of all the other ones.

These next two are of my living room and sleeping area. As you can see my bed folds nicely out of the wall =) Pretty handy!
I try and make sure i actually fold it up every day, other wise I just feel lazy!

My house is basically a wide hallway.
The balcony door you see here is at the opposite end of the 'hallway as the entrance door.
The kitchen is sort of where I am standing taking the picture.
But I hadn't done the dishes so you can't see it!

My toilet has a little fountain on top of it. Don't be fooled like I was! This is not for drinking. I repeat NOT. It's for saving water.
You wash your hands in the clean water that is filling the toilet rather than using more at the sink later.

This is my entrance way where I keep my bike and shoes. In Canada I think most people take their shoes off when they go into their houses (except Mark and Heidi), but in Japan they take it to the max. I think there are few things you could do that would be worse than wearing your shoes inside. Even at work most people will at least put on their 'indoor' shoes. Pretty much every place I've been too has an entrance way like this and then there is a bit of a lip or a step up to the floor for the rest of the house.

This one is pretty self explanatory. Bathroom mirror.
The little smiley face guys were a gift from this really hot girl back in Canada. They're happy like that all the time! It's crazy. The only problem I have is that when I stand in front of the mirror, I can't actually see my face. The lights are eyelevel.
Everything in Japan is designed for little people!


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