Friday, October 28, 2005

Wasting away

Just when I didn't think it could happen, it did.
I got skinnier.
Yup, I know it's hard to believe but it's true.
I had thought maybe it was happening... my clothes felt a little looser, I had to buckle my belt another notch tighter and then this 90lb. Japanese woman told me I was thin.

But I still was skeptical. I thought maybe it's just in my head. I mean how accurate is our perception of ourselves? Hard to be objective right?

Well yesterday morning, I woke with a start and looked at my watch - damn, slept through my alarm! I got up in a rush and ran to the bathroom to put my contacts in.
In itself, putting contacts in is an odd sensation. Before they are in everything is fuzzy. All the lines are blurred and objects are a bit hazy. It can almost feel like you are in some wierd state between dreaming and conciousness, you don't even really bother looking at things because you know it's no use - you won't be able to see them anyways.
And then you put you finger in your eye with these little gelatinous cups and then all the sudden the world comes into perfect focus. Bing!
So yesterday, I put my contacts in an blinked a couple times to make sure they were in position.
I find I pause right after I put them in too. It's like all the sudden your brain has just been inudated with all this visual information and running off immediatley afterwards seems like sensory overload.
In my moment of hesitation I happened to catch my reflection in the mirror, standing in my boxers on the bathroom floor.
What I saw confirmed the intuition I have been fighting since I got here - I've lost weight.
After my initial 'poor me' reaction, I began to question what would have brought about this change.
Weight loss means I'm not taking in as much as I'm using. So I must not be eating enough right? I've lived mostly on my own for the past 3 years, so I should be relatively adapted to cooking for myself and since coming to Japan I have cooked most days.
The more I analyzed things, the more I realized that even though the quantity of food I consume seems to okay I think the quality of the food is somewhat lacking.
Meat in Japan can be fairly expensive, and trying to be a frugal chef often means building quantity with lots of noodles and rice. Rice and noodles stay with me for about 15 minutes per 250 grams it seems. So to keep myself going between lunch and dinner, that's 6kg of noodles I'd have to eat!
In all seriousness though, I'm going to have to get better at snacking at work or something because if I keep losing weight at this rate, there won't be anything left of me by the time I come home.
There may be hope though! I was talking to some of the other Canadian interns here and they all said in the first couple months after coming here they lost weight as well but that after 3-4 months it all came back.
I just worry that what I'm losing now is muscle, and what I'll gain back later will be fat! I've gotta find some weights to lift.....


At 2:50 PM, Blogger Mark Cunningham said...

hey cam these spammer even nail you in the blogs eh? Jesus...
Anyway, most people would love to have your problem so don't complain!

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Cameron said...

damn spammers. Yah I suppose not too many of the lady folk would complain, but for us macho guys it's a real problem!


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